by Kanga | Apr 22, 2014 | Blog, The Journey |
We get asked a lot, “why choose the name Kangaberry”? This was definitely one or the hardest decisions – choosing a name that best represented what we stood for (awareness, responsibility and quality) and also something was generally positive and generic enough that if we wanted to expand our product line, we wouldn’t be pigeon holed. After sorting through around 50 different names and eliminating the ones that were taken, we just went with what made us happy. Often when we asked people between a few names of choice, they would “smile” and immediately gravitate to “Kangaberry” when it was mentioned. Ultimately, we envision Kangaberry to one day be a household name, along with ecommerce and physical store where people gravitate to and look forward to going! A lot of brands today use animals as part of their marketing strategy, and since I (Sara) love animals I thought is was the perfect opportunity to do the same with Kangaberry. The whole idea of a Kangaroo protecting it’s young by carrying them around in her pouch is both sweet and very similar to what we were trying to achieve with Kangaberry;  carrying a cellular device around in a special case/pouch to protect ourselves. The name “berry” at the end, just seemed like a nice fit. There is a store in my hometown of Aurora, Ontario (Canada) named “Lemonberry” and I always get excited before I go there (even after many years!)… along with many other people. The marketing was there and the name just always made me happy, so I naturally tagged it on the end of “Kanga” 🙂...