24/7 Protection From Your Phone!

24/7 Protection From Your Phone!

Mobile Cases That Reduce Radiation

Never Sacrifice Health For Mobile Convenience

Shielding radio waves away from you and prevent bacteria buildup on your phone!

Society has put so much focus on developing the perfect case to protect your phone from damage, but what’s protecting you from your phone? Introducing the world’s first case that protects YOU from the constant radiation (i.e. electromagnetic radio waves) being emitted from your phone…and looks super sexy!

Let’s face it, I am sure you have carried your cell phone around for more than an hour in your pocket over the past week.  Do you even remember the last time you turned your phone off? New research actually shows that keeping your phone in your pocket for short periods of time can even impact fertility.

cell phone on call

Research shows that 44% of cell phone users have even slept with their cell phones by their side so that they didn’t miss a notification.[i]

When considering that there are more than 6 billion cell phone subscribers globally (80% of world’s population), you ought to wonder the effect phones are having on our bodies? Especially when current statistics show that the average individual in North America spends 2.7 hours a day using their phone (watch high-definition movies on them, to make videos, issue voice commands, check email, go underwater, navigate with global positioning systems and surf the web in 3D). This is not to mention the fact that there are 690 million Google searches a month globally and 15.7 billion text messages sent each month!

Do you ever wonder the effect this is having on your health? Especially since the cell phone is often placed so close to your body during all activities (i.e. on your lap when watching videos, close to your head when talking, or in your pocket while in commuting).

Mobile technology is advancing exponentially. However with advancement in technology comes great responsibility. Cell phones have been around long enough now for there to be enough scientific data for long term studies to conclude the effect radiation is having on our health. Here are some shocking results from leading institutions and scientists:

  • World Health Organization: In 2011, the World Health Organization said that cell phone radiation might be a “possible carcinogen”.
  • Brain Cancer: Two analyses of 25 original publications identified a 50 to 90% increase in risk for two types of brain tumors: glioma and acoustic neuroma[i],[ii]
  • Cancer: Cell phone use was associated with increased risk of acoustic neuroma and cancer of the pituitary gland in a prospective study of more than 790,000 women in the United Kingdom. [iii]
  • Sperm Quality and Quantity: Six studies from the U.S., Australia, Japan and Europe reported that exposure to cell phone radiation had an adverse effect on sperm counts, motility and vitalityviii, xi,[iv],x,[v],[vi]
  • Men  who used cell phones more than 4 hours a day had a 42% lower sperm count and 33% lower sperm motility than non-users (sample pool 361 men).[i]
  • Ovarian Follicles: Pregnant rats exposed to cell phone radiation for 15 minutes twice a day during the entire gestation period, had female pups with fewer ovarian follicles


Why do we need protection from radio waves?

Just like microwave uses radio waves to heat up water molecules in your food (i.e. through vibration), our cell phones electromagentic radio waves can absorb into the water molecules of our tissues and brain. After all, the human body is between 50-60% water…and with children’s this number increases!

Inspiration From The Microwave

Just like the microwave has a special door that reflects radio waves back into the microwave to heat up your food, the Kangaberry case has a special material that reflects radio waves away from your body.  How much so? If you look inside of our Kangaberry Cases you will see a special lining, and this is the special material that shields you from radio frequency waves up to and greater than 50dB.


[i] Infographic: 2013 Mobile Growth Statistics. Accessed: April 10th, 2014. By: Supermonitoring. Online: http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/infographic-2013-mobile-growth-statistics/

[i] Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K. 2009. Epidemiological evidence for an association between use of wireless phones and tumor diseases. Pathophysiology: in press.

[ii] Kundi M. 2009. The Controversy about a Possible Relationship between Mobile Phone Use and Cancer. Environ Health Perspec 117(3): 316-24.

[iii] Benson VS, Pirie K, Schüz J, Reeves GK, Beral V, Green J; for the Million Women Study Collaborators.Mobile phone use and risk of brain neoplasms and other cancers: prospective study. Int J Epidemiol. 2013 May 8.

[iv] Erogul O, Oztas E, Yildirim I, Kir T, Aydur E, Komesli G, et al. 2006. Effects of electromagnetic radiation from a cellular phone on human sperm motility: an in vitro study. Arch Med Res 37(7): 840-3.

[v] Salama N, Kishimoto T, Kanayama HO. 2009. Effects of exposure to a mobile phone on testicular function and structure in adult rabbit. Int J Androl: in press.

[vi] Yan JG, Agresti M, Bruce T, Yan YH, Granlund A, Matloub HS. 2007. Effects of cellular phone emissions on sperm motility in rats. Fertil Steril 88(4): 957-64.

[viii] ICNIRP. 2008. International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Statement on EMF Emitting New Technologies. Health Phys 94(4): 376-92.

[x] http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10000872396390444868204578064960544587522?mod=e2tw&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10000872396390444868204578064960544587522.html%3Fmod%3De2tw

[xi] Wiart J, Hadjem A, Wong MF, Bloch I. 2008. Analysis of RF exposure in the head tissues of children and adults. Phys Med Biol 53(13): 3681-95. Wiedemann PM, Schutz H, Clauberg M. 2008. Influence of information about specific absorption rate (SAR) upon customers’ purchase decisions and safety evaluation of mobile phones. Bioelectromagnetics 29(2): 133-44.

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